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Mountain Sun Labradoodles breeds multi-generational Australian Labradoodles. To qualify as a purebred multi-generational Australian Labradoodle or Multi-gen, you must have the offspring of 5 or more consecutive breedings of a multi-gen Australian Labradoodle to a multi-gen Australian Labradoodle, aka Purebred Australian Labradoodle.
The multi-generational Australian Labradoodle is highly trainable, with a temperament that is gentle, happy, and social. They have an intuitive sense about people, which makes them so suitable as service animals as well as an ideal choice as a pet for children and people with special needs. Additionally, they are low to non-shedding and come in multiple sizes and colors.
At Mountain Sun Labradoodles, we whelp our litters in the comfort and safety of our home, they are socialized from an early age and cared for and loved by our family. We do not own kennels and none of our puppies or dogs are ever kenneled. The first 8 weeks of a pup's life are incredibly important in terms of socialization and growing a loving temperament. We care for them as they grow through their first 8 weeks of life…
Weeks 1 & 2
While her newborn puppies spend 90 percent of their time sleeping, a mother’s instincts tell her to keep them huddled together for warmth. Although the puppies can’t see or hear, their senses of smell and touch guide them to Mama’s milk. During the first few days, her milk will provide them with antibodies that will help them survive for 6 to 10 weeks. During sleep, twitching movements called activated sleep, help strengthen their legs. The breeder or other main caretakers can begin to pick up each pup several times a day. This early, gentle human touch will help the dog bond with people later on. https://breedingbetterdogs.com/article/early-neurological-stimulation
Week 3
During the third week, your puppy’s senses open up. They can detect light, dark, and movement and begins to respond to sudden or loud sounds. As they paws and mouth their littermates, they build early social skills. By the end of this week, your puppy can crawl; and their tails begin to wag.
Weeks 4 & 5
Quickly gaining strength and coordination, the puppy begins to respond to his environment. He can bark, stand, walk, run, and even pounce. The mother teaches them to eliminate away from the sleeping area. They learn to play by wrestling with their littermates. When nipped too hard or batted back by a defensive sibling, they learn the difference between hard and soft biting. At this point, puppies are forever testing their limits and they take turns sleeping at the top and bottom of the sibling pile. Hunting and chasing instincts kick in, so this is a good time to introduce your pup to toys.
The mother dog referees when playtime gets too rough. She may nudge or restrain an errant pup, or she may growl at him, teaching the puppy discipline and acclimating him to the process of training. If they’re not properly socialized, orphaned dogs raised without a mother and littermates may have a hard time relating to their human leaders, and to other dogs, as well.
Toward the end of this period, it’s time for the caretaker’s family to become more involved with the pups. This familiarizes them with the everyday smells and sounds of a modern household, including appliances, children, and assorted adults. Since they are cutting their first teeth, the mother begins to wean them.
Weeks 6 & 7
At this point, the puppy’s emotions will become apparent: They'll whine to show fear, whimper when hurt, and bark when excited or wanting attention. The pups are weaned now since they have teeth and can eat solid food. The mama lets them know she’s the dominant dog and corrects them sharply if they misbehave. Your puppy’s appetite for exploring his environment and learning new things will benefit tremendously if he is given a variety of simple toys to investigate at this stage. They will also play rough and tumble with littermates, stealing and sharing toys. By this point, they should be spending a short time each day alone with a human, playing gently and learning to relate one-on-one in a safe, trusting environment.
Week 8
By this age, your puppy can remember which behaviors are allowed and where and when they are fed. They can even begin house training and start enjoying being groomed. They are ready to leave their mother and littermates to go home with you, fully capable of taking their place in the family.
Source: Petplace: What to Expect in Your Puppy’s First Eight Weeks
In their last few weeks with us, we set a foundation for and begin crate training and potty training. We find that adjustment to their forever home goes more smoothly when they love the comfort of their crate where they have a safe, secure place of their own (like a den) in their new home so you can get your much-needed rest after bringing home your new family member.